So it must be said that underage drinking, and drinking in excess, will not be tolerated at either Cup. Since we're so fabulous, the Camden City PD, the Kershaw County SD, and the Highway Patrol- will be beefing up their numbers and even trying to blend in thanks to plaid pants and flip flops.... Just- you know, don't be an idiot. If you're underage- don't drink. If you're legal- try not to make it a marathon or anything. Everyone knows that cocktailing goes with tailgating, but there's no reason anyone has to get vomited on... I'm just saying. It's way more fun and you'll look 10X better in your photos. They'll be less fights- nothing worse than trashed girls windmilling, or boys thinking they're Superman... and Cup jail would be a far more pleasant thing if it didn't exist. Just my .02 Take it or leave it, but just be forwarned- the boys in blue will be watching and waiting and we ALL know that some of them just can't wait to make an arrest!Cheers!
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